Space and investment solutions for a sustainable future
spaces that thrive
for generations
growth for investors
and businesses
ESR Australia & New Zealand is your partner in leading real estate solutions. With a customer-first approach, we specialise in real-estate developments, property management, and investment strategies that foster sustainable growth for businesses, investors, and communities.
Our highly skilled in-house team has extensive expertise in both industrial and office real estate markets. We provide a comprehensive suite of services, seamlessly integrating people-centric development solutions, proactive asset management, and strategic property investment management to help our customers and investors achieve results.
From the spaces we create to the services we offer, we work alongside you to create space and investment solutions for a sustainable future.
![Image: [Homepage] [Hero] Amazon Horsley Park](https://images.ctfassets.net/nq9kuc33ycuo/6K3G6MfGJBG3Zo3LJytYLq/6cfddedc1a4161e2cf54b7c4e5730948/Image_for_Hero_Content_block__1_.png?w=1360&h=486&q=100&fm=png)
Build opportunities for growth
Explore our available properties
Find space to accelerate your businesses success from our growing portfolio of properties in strategic locations across Australia.
Develop a sustainable space
From land-sourcing to project management, our end-to-end services are designed to help you deliver premium spaces that enhance business growth and employees’ wellbeing.
Invest in managed funds
As a specialist fund manager, we invest through direct ownership and the funds we manage. Our team delivers results and exclusive opportunities through global partnerships.
![Image: [Homepage] ESG CTA](https://images.ctfassets.net/nq9kuc33ycuo/5xyGE12Vo3i2fJNmwmwn1o/d9243b894b9070201c585c515f5d87d4/20230414_esr_bringelly_drone_0122.jpg?w=960&h=640&fl=progressive&q=100&fm=jpg)
ESG for prosperity in a transforming world
From climate change to digitalisation, our world is transforming. At ESR Australia & New Zealand, we’re rapidly evolving to meet the changing needs of our customers, investors, communities, and our own people. We’re proud to be contributing to achieving an environmentally and socially sustainable future for all.